Who has Let Our Troops Down?

Date: May 6, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

WHO HAS LET OUR TROOPS DOWN? -- (House of Representatives - May 06, 2004)

(Mr. FILNER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman says we do not support our troops. The gentleman says we want to cut and run.
The gentleman says we have let our troops down.

I will tell Members who have let our troops down: the administration that misled us into this war and did not tell us the truth, an administration that is incompetent, that does not provide the body armor for our troops, nor the armored cars. We have been told 25 percent of the casualties would have been prevented if this administration had been competent.

I will tell Members who has let our troops down: those who did not instruct prison guards in the Geneva Convention and who led young people, brave young men and women, to the abuse of prisoners and led to our embarrassment worldwide.
That is who is letting our troops down: an administration that has no plan for the peace. We have no idea what we are doing there or how to get out. That is who is letting our troops down. That is who is not supporting our troops. I yield the balance of responsibility to this administration.
