MSNBC "The Rachel Maddow Show" - Transcript


Date: Oct. 9, 2009
Issues: Judicial Branch


REP. LOUIE GOHMERT (R-TX): The definition of sexual orientation is wide-open. If you‘re oriented towards animals, bestiality, then, you know, that‘s not something that can be held against you. If our oriented towards corpses, toward children, you know, there are all kinds of perversions.

JONES (voice-over): Say hello to U.S. representative from the First District of Texas, Louie Gohmert. The 56-year-old Republican is a product of Texas A & M, Baylor and United States Army. And he served as a judge for ten years.

Thanks to this man, Jerry Mander-ing the Texas electoral districts in 2003, Louis Gohmert was elected in 2004, the first Republican to represent his district since Reconstruction.

And if anyone could be called "unreconstructed," it would be Louie Gohmert. For starters, Rep. Gohmert was the one sporting that classy sign at the president‘s joint address to congress last month. He is also the proud co-sponsor of HR-1503, better known the birther bill. In an elegant coincidence, Gohmert is also a deather.

GOHMERT: We‘ve been battling this socialist health care, the nationalization of health care, that is going to absolutely kill senior citizens, put them on lists and force them to die early.

JONES: Foreign policy is also a Gohmert specialty.

GOHMERT: We‘re still borrowing money from the Chinese. There‘s no assurance that if we did that, we wouldn‘t end up with moo goo dog pan or moo goo cat pan.

MADDOW: The Gohmert world is fraught with peril. He alone stands between liberty and the heavy had of the government, which he is a part of. Here he is on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones‘ show in July.

ALEX JONES, CONSPIRACY THEORIST: Did you hear about the White House science czar calling for putting stuff in the water to sterilize us?

GOHMERT: No, I‘ve not heard that, but I guess if we -

A. JONES: I‘m not kidding.

GOHMERT: Well, if we‘re going to pay $700 million like we voted last Friday to put condoms on wild horses - and I know it just says nonpermanent enhanced contraception, whatever the heck that is. But if we‘re going to do that to wild horses, I guess it only follows that they‘d eventually get around to doing it to us.

JONES: In the spirit of the Texas pioneers, Louie Gohmert locates the far frontier and then goes there.

GOHMERT: Any time you have economic chaos, people are always willing to give up their liberty to get economic stability.

A. JONES: Look at Hitler.

GOHMERT: Yes, absolutely. One of the best examples - maybe the best example.

JONES: And then keeps going there.

GOHMERT: Germany - they gave up their liberties to gain economic stability. And they got a little guy with a mustache who was the ultimate hate-monger.

JONES: Rep. Louie Gohmert, don‘t mess with Texas. That‘s a request, actually.

