News For The Ninth


Date: Sept. 18, 2009

For more than a month, I heard loud and clear from folks all across the 9th District that members of Congress have an obligation to make government more efficient and accountable to people like you that pay the government's bills. I have tried to work for a more efficient and effective government and have long supported the idea of common sense reform to government.

That is why I was especially pleased to learn that my colleagues had appointed me to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which serves as the taxpayers' watchdog arm of government that monitors several critical areas of your government's operations.

The committee's primary responsibility is oversight of virtually everything government does -- from national security, to homeland security grants, to federal workforce policies, to regulatory reform and reorganization authority. Other responsibilities include oversight of information technology procurements at individual agencies to government-wide data security standards.

As a member of this committee, my top goal will be to ensure that your hard-earned taxpayers' dollars are being used wisely. As many of you know, I have been extremely concerned about how this administration and the majority in Congress have been spending your money and taxing you. From the so-called stimulus package to the cap-and-tax bill to government-run health care, the notion that government has a responsibility for how it spends your money seems to have gone out the window.
The committee also is charged with ensuring that the Census runs smoothly because it is so critical to the democratic process of elections and also determines how resources are distributed based on population. I appreciate this opportunity afforded to me by my colleagues to represent you on this committee, to work to protect your money and ensure that the government you pay for runs efficiently.

Now that I am back in Washington, your messages to me about accountability and responsibility have taken on an even greater significance with my new post on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and I vow to work tirelessly on your behalf in this new role.
