End the Gridlock and Create Jobs Now


End the Gridlock and Create Jobs Now

I would like to thank the hundreds of citizens in Northwest Louisiana, who called my offices in the past few weeks concerning the Stimulus Bill. The support for my "no" vote on this bill was overwhelming. Repeatedly, callers echoed the message "stand up for taxpayers and stop wasteful spending in Washington." Let me be clear, the Stimulus Bill passed by the House and pending in the Senate is nothing more than a Trojan Horse.

What we find in the details is new social programs and entitlements busting our budget for many years to come. This bill will not stimulate our current economy, but will stimulate wasteful spending. It will saddle our children and great grandchildren with massive debt.

Economists uniformly insist that a stimulus package must be quick and create jobs. The version that just passed does neither. History proves that cutting tax rates for individuals and small businesses is the best way to accomplish this.

I supported an alternative bill that would have immediately boosted our economy by cutting taxes for those who actually pay them.

This plan would have created 6 million jobs over the next two years - that's twice the jobs at half the cost and showed that Congress can act in a fiscally responsible way. Liberal leadership in the House never let us vote on this legislation.

I support a bipartisan solution, which ends gridlock in Congress and creates jobs now.
