We Need A Stimulus Plan Now


In the coming weeks, there is going to be much talk surrounding President-elect Obama's proposed Stimulus Plan. While the bill may change on an ongoing basis, there are critical factors that must be present if any stimulus plan is going to work:

The plan must provide a concrete strategy that will IMMEDIATELY protect and create jobs to help the economy of the 4th Congressional District and of the state of Louisiana.- Families and businesses don't have months to wade through "red tape." This plan must be simple, direct and effective.

The plan must promote fiscal accountability. This stimulus plan must be transparent, accountable and achieve its intended end result - help our families and not allow for the inclusion of more "bridges to nowhere." We must avoid wasteful spending in Washington. At the same time, this bill should address projects critical to the economy, such as funding for the completion of I-49 and support for Barksdale and Ft. Polk. These projects affect not only the economy, but national security as well.

The plan should have NO tax increases and should include tax cuts for families and small businesses. Cutting taxes means companies can grow and create jobs. Reducing the tax burden has proven to work time and again and it is good economic policy.

The plan must have bi-partisan support. With a country in crisis, this is not the time for partisan bickering. Congress needs to reach across the aisle and work together for the good of the people we represent, not for the good of politics as usual.

Our families are suffering and I will work with my colleagues, from both parties, to find common sense solutions that end this recession. There may be areas of concern in this package, which will merit careful review. I will be looking out for your best interest and I will vote on the side of the American taxpayer and on the side of the 4th District businesses and families who are counting on Congress to do the right thing now.
