Smoke and Mirrors

Date: July 27, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

SMOKE AND MIRRORS -- (House of Representatives - July 27, 2009)


Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, when it comes to passing a health care bill that the Democratic leadership insists that this will happen, they claim to currently have the votes to get it passed on this floor. If that's true, Mr. Speaker, then show us the bill. If the rhetoric coming from the other side of the aisle is true and you are planning to steamroll a $1 trillion health care experiment through this body before August, then let's see it. Let us debate it. Let the American people see it. The American people deserve to see the bill with plenty of time for an open and honest debate about what is exactly in store for them if this partisan experiment passes.

The American people have seen enough smoke and mirrors about the Washington bureaucrat that will be inserted between them, as a patient, and their physician. They have seen enough smoke and mirrors about how many people will be forced off of their current health care plans. They have seen enough smoke and mirrors about the real cost of this plan. If you have the votes, then let's clear out the smoke, show us the bill, and finally give hardworking Americans answers to their questions.

