It is Time to Enact Real Health Care Reform

Date: July 30, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

IT IS TIME TO ENACT REAL HEALTH CARE REFORM -- (House of Representatives - July 30, 2009)


Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland. Mr. Speaker, it is time to speak a little truth to power, to the powerful special interests and to the insurance companies that are willing to deep-six health care reform for millions of Americans by spreading misinformation and by scaring people. All the while, these big insurance companies raise deductibles, premiums, and copays. They drop people with preexisting conditions. They limit coverage, and they reap billions in excessive salaries, profits, and bonuses.

Look at the facts: United Health earned $2.9 billion last year. WellPoint reported profits of $2.5 billion. For CEO pay, United Health Group's Stephen Hemsley made $3.2 million. WellPoint's Angela Braly made $9.8 million. It doesn't stop there. Former United Health Group's CEO, Bill McGuire, left his job in 2006 and still took home $1.1 billion. That's a lot of zeros.

Who are we kidding, Mr. Speaker? This is all about money--campaign contributions, CEO salaries, millions in advertising to kill reform, and billions in profits. That's what's at stake here.

It's time to stop this nonsense and enact real reform that includes a public insurance option based on Medicare rates and with a network of providers to lower costs and to provide quality care.

