Initiate Real Debate on Health Care Reform

Date: July 28, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

INITIATE REAL DEBATE ON HEALTH CARE REFORM -- (House of Representatives - July 28, 2009)


Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, right now we are debating one of the most important issues facing our country today, health care reform. There is no doubt that our current system must be reformed.

Unfortunately, rather than conducting a meaningful debate on how to improve access and quality and lower the cost of health care, the majority is making deals behind closed doors and going through the yellow pages to figure out who they can tax in order to pay for the $1 trillion bill they propose.

The majority asserts that their bill will insure more people, but the cost to America will not only be in dollars and cents; the bill will dramatically alter our health care, which is 20 percent of our economy, through the creation of a government-run public option. For those with private insurance in the short time before they are forced into a public plan, a government plan will still dictate what government service they can and cannot have.

This is unacceptable. The only people in the room making health care decisions should be you and your doctor, not a Washington bureaucrat.

I urge my colleagues to reject this misguided and dangerous proposal and initiate a real debate on health care reform.

