The Change America Didn't Vote For

THE CHANGE AMERICA DIDN'T VOTE FOR -- (House of Representatives - July 28, 2009)


Mr. SCHOCK. In the last campaign we heard a lot about if you don't make more than $250,000 a year, you won't pay any new taxes. So what does the new majority do? Their first act in Congress is to pass the $787 billion stimulus package meant to jolt the economy. Yet all it has done is jolt the national debt up to a new high of $11.5 trillion.

Next, the new majority comes forward and says, We want to decrease carbon outputs. We want to pass a cap-and-tax proposal meant to limit carbon monoxide. Well, that bill, if passed, will limit jobs in America by over 2.7 million fewer jobs, and now we're hearing that they want to limit costs on health care. In actuality, this plan, their health care proposal, will limit access to care. Their bill will actually decrease the number of jobs and will actually add a tax on every small business owner in America in the form of an 8 percent increase in payroll taxes.

More taxes, fewer jobs. I don't think that's the change America voted for.

