A Tax On Health Care Is A Tax On Payroll

Date: July 21, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

A TAX ON HEALTH CARE IS A TAX ON PAYROLL -- (House of Representatives - July 21, 2009)


Mr. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, at the start of this year, the focus has been on economy and jobs, number one.

I was chairman of the Florida Chamber 4 years ago. We represented 137,000 businesses, and 99 percent of those businesses were small business. They create 75 percent of the jobs. Yet, today, we are going to tax health care. It's not a tax on profit. It's a tax on payroll. If you've got a $1 million payroll making no money, and if you're paying another $80,000 a year you don't have, you're going to put people out of business.

The other thing they want to put together is a surtax of 5.4 percent on businesses. They want to get to the millionaires. Do you know who those folks are? They're small business people. You wouldn't know that if you've never been in business. That's the majority of them. So you're going to tax the 8 percent. You're going to add another 5.4 percent. You're going to kill millions of businesses, and you're going to kill millions and millions of more jobs. We need to get focused back on the economy and on jobs in America today, right now.

