Wexler: Stimulus Package Will Put Federal Dollars to Work In Florida

Press Release

Wexler: Stimulus Package Will Put Federal Dollars to Work In Florida

Today, Congressman Robert Wexler voted with a majority of his colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and released the following statement on this bold and far-reaching economic recovery package:

"Too many Floridians have lost their jobs, their homes, their health benefits, and their life-savings in this dreadful economy. It was just reported that January was the third consecutive month during which employers in virtually every industry cut over half a million workers. This report is grim news for Florida, which already suffers from an unemployment rate above 8%.

"The price tag of this stimulus package is high, but without it Florida's economy would sink even lower. Implemented by the Obama Administration, Governor Charlie Crist, and local officials, this legislation will put federal dollars to work in Florida in very tangible terms.

"Our schools, which are suffering from severe budget deficits, will be able to keep more teachers on staff and hire new, qualified educators. Small businesses will be able to take advantage of a plethora of tax cuts, invest in new equipment, and create jobs in the private sector. Hospitals and medical practices will be able to cut costs and hold onto more staff by embracing new information technology incentives for the health care industry.
"Ninety-five percent of working Americans will receive a tax cut that will help them juggle the many expenses they face every day. Young people who wish to earn a college diploma will benefit from increases to Pell Grant funding and the higher education tax credit. Florida will also benefit greatly from the billions of dollars in matching grants for Medicaid funding, which will reduce the strain on our state budget.

"This legislation comes at a critical juncture. Constituents have called my office, desperate for assistance in renegotiating their mortgages and avoiding foreclosures. More must be done to keep people in their homes, stabilize the financial markets, make health care affordable and accessible, and ensure that the education received by our children will prepare them to compete in a global economy. Passage of this bill was an important step towards confronting our economic challenges - yet Congress and the President still have plenty of work to do in the coming months."

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is estimated to save and create 3.5 million jobs across the country, including over 200,000 in Florida and nearly 7,000 in Congressman Wexler's district alone. After President Obama signs the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law, Governor Crist and state and local officials throughout Florida will be able to submit applications for billions of dollars in federal funding. The legislation's funding provisions are geared towards spurring economic growth by implementing critical investments in American energy; transforming the economy with science and technology; improving school facilities and resources; modernizing roads, bridges, and transit infrastructure; and extending unemployment benefits for workers hurt by the recession. Americans will be able to track the legislation's disbursement and expenditures on the Internet, a policy encouraged by President Barack Obama to ensure transparency.
