MSNBC "The Ed Show" - Transcript


Date: July 24, 2009

Interviewer: Ed Schultz

SCHULTZ: Welcome back to THE ED SHOW. Late word this afternoon, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says that the House probably won‘t meet the deadline and will have to work into August. Joining me now is Congressman Earl Blumenauer of Oregon. Congressman, what do you make of that news, that these deadlines are going to be backing things up?

REP. EARL BLUMENAUER (D), OREGON: Well, it‘s disturbing on one level, because it‘s clear that our Republican opponents here will just do anything to try and put sand in the gears, to try and inflict a Waterloo, as they say, on President Obama. And they are certainly not committed to health care reform.

SCHULTZ: And will these delays really give the right wing an opportunity to nail what the president really wants to accomplish, along with the Democrats in the House and the Senate? I mean, we really now have got a word game going on here for the next 60 days.

BLUMENAUER: No question about it. It gives them more time to spread deliberate falsehoods. I just had a very personal example of a bipartisan piece of health care reform that I worked to put in this bill, that had Republican support on our Ways and Means Committee. And the Republicans are suggesting that somehow this is a fast track to Euthanasia. It‘s really disturbing.

SCHULTZ: Congressman, good to have you with us tonight. I appreciate your time and thanks for your work on this.
