Rehberg To GM: Buy American Palladium!


Date: July 22, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, released the following statement in response to the legal approval of the decision by GM to cancel its contract for palladium with Stillwater Mining Co. in Montana. Stillwater is the only supplier of Palladium in the United States.

"The president's "car czar" has a lot of explaining to do. A decision like this clearly demonstrates what happens when you give the federal government the keys to private industry. Seemingly taking a cue from the national addiction to foreign oil, General Motors is now putting its fate in the hands of foreign suppliers of palladium. I can remember when GM wanted everyone to ‘Buy American' - perhaps it and its new owners in Washington should take their own advice."

On July 10, Rehberg sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Geithner and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers urging them to preserve the contract along with the 1,300 American jobs it helps create.
