Does Anybody See What's Happening

Date: July 21, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

DOES ANYBODY SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING? -- (House of Representatives - July 21, 2009)


Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, does anybody see what's happening? Does anybody even care? The $700 billion TARP program was to buy troubled assets. Did we do that? No. We bought car companies and banks. And we own them. And then we took the money away from the bond holders of the car companies and gave it to the unions.

The $787 billion stimulus package only stimulated more welfare. It hasn't created jobs. Not one. And now we have put upon us a government takeover of health care that's going to lose, according to Christina Romer's formula, 4.7 million more jobs.

This has never been about jobs for the Democrats. It's never even been about health care. It's about power.

Who's going to make the decisions over your life, the personal decisions? The Democrats think they can. We think you should.

Does anybody see what's happening? Does anyone even care?

