Rep. Kirkpatrick Kicks Off "Defending Arizona Values" Campaign, Co-Sponsors Bill to Audit Federal Reserve

Press Release

Date: July 14, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Kirkpatrick Kicks Off "Defending Arizona Values" Campaign, Co-Sponsors Bill to Audit Federal Reserve

Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick has always stood up for folks in Greater Arizona, and today she is launching her "Defending Arizona Values" campaign to continue that fight. She is jumpstarting this effort by signing on as a co-sponsor to the nonpartisan Federal Reserve Transparency Act, H.R. 1207. The legislation allows for an audit of the Federal Reserve that will shed light on its operations and check the government's power.

With the "Defending Arizona Values" campaign, Rep. Kirkpatrick is fighting for the ideals that she was raised with in rural Arizona. The Congresswoman is taking on big government to make it more accountable and responsive to our needs, instead of just offering handouts and weighing us down with bureaucracy. She will also focus on preserving our self-sufficiency and the character of our communities and our Nation. Her endorsement of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act - despite the opposition of the White House and congressional leadership - is the first step in this campaign.

"Folks in Greater Arizona often feel like our values are not being represented in Washington," said Rep. Kirkpatrick. "In this historic and challenging time, it is more important than ever that someone stands up for what is important to us. I am determined to give voice to our values."

The bill will help increase oversight and transparency by calling for a full audit of the Federal Reserve to be completed by the end of 2010. With the Federal Reserve System steadily gaining power and influence, there have been increasing calls for Congress to monitor its activities more closely. These calls have not been heeded by the Administration and congressional leaders.

"We cannot just blindly trust that this massive and growing bureaucracy is serving us well. The Federal Reserve has been allowed to operate with little oversight for decades, and we are paying the price for it," said Rep. Kirkpatrick. "It is time for Congress to take a closer look at what the Fed is doing in our name."

The bill has more than 260 co-sponsors, including Members from across the political spectrum and the entire Arizona delegation. Despite having more than enough support to pass the House, it has not yet been scheduled for debate on the House floor. The Congresswoman will continue to push for progress on this issue in the coming weeks.
