Transportaion Equity Act: A Legacy for Users

Date: April 2, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

TRANSPORTATION EQUITY ACT: A LEGACY FOR USERS -- (House of Representatives - April 02, 2004)


Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Chairman, I want to take this opportunity to thank the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Petri), the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. Oberstar), and the gentleman from Alaska (Mr. Young) for involving me in this process very thoroughly, very completely. This truly has been a bipartisan effort. I have been astonished by the willingness of the gentleman from Alaska (Chairman Young) to involve this side of the aisle in the deliberations, the planning, the execution of what we have in this bill.

This is a bill that was approved unanimously by the very large Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Not one single negative vote was cast against this bill in committee. And that is a testament to the leadership of the gentleman from Alaska (Mr. Young) of involving everyone. But it was not only the big four that was involved in this bill; every single member of this committee, every single Member of this House had the opportunity to participate in this bill. That is a tribute to the gentleman from Alaska (Chairman Young), and I thank him for it.
