Capps Votes Against New Offshore Drilling

Press Release

Date: Sept. 16, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Capps Votes Against New Offshore Drilling

Today Congresswoman Lois Capps voted against legislation that would weaken the current ban on new offshore drilling within 200 miles of California's coast. Capps released the following statement regarding the legislation:

"I cannot in good conscience vote for this legislation. The call for new drilling as some sort of solution to our energy problems is disingenuous and doomed to fail. We just can't drill our way out of this mess because we simply don't have the resources. We have to end this addiction to fossil fuels that endangers our economy and the health of our planet.

"President Bush's failed energy policies have, to a great degree, brought us to this point. His relentless push to expand domestic drilling while only paying lip service to conservation and the development of alternative and renewable energy sources have been a complete failure. I am pleased, however, the Democratic-led Congress has followed up our early success in increasing automobile fuel economy standards by continuing to push for extension of tax incentives for wind and solar energy, and forcing utilities nationwide to generate more of their power from renewable sources."
