Gingrey Comments On Obama Address To Congress

Date: Feb. 24, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey, MD made the following statement in response to President Obama's address before the Joint Session of Congress:

"President Obama appealed to the American people tonight and called upon Congress to help enact his vision for our nation," said Gingrey. "I think we can all agree on the importance of healing our economy and restoring fiscal responsibility as well as improving access to health care and energy. While we all identify with the general principles of President Obama's vision, there is a large gulf to bridge when we have a Congress and an administration willing to spend trillions of dollars in a matter of weeks and accept government intervention as an inevitable part of our lives."

Economic Challenges:
"Tonight, President Obama laid out his plan to address the economic challenges facing our nation. While we may not agree on how best to tackle every issue, there is no question that these challenges can be overcome to strengthen the economy and create jobs. If we are all to work together, there must be recognition that the American people - and not the Federal government - are the engine that drives our economy. History shows us that the best way to turn around an ailing economy, preserve jobs, and spur growth is to empower our citizens and their businesses by easing - not increasing - the tax and regulatory burden on them."

Fiscal Responsibility:
"The growing federal deficit is unacceptable and I was heartened to hear President Obama pledge to cut the deficit in half over the next four years. However, these words run the risk of ringing hollow if Congress does not stop spending beyond its means. Twelve days ago, Congress passed what will amount to a trillion dollar ‘stimulus' spending bill, and tomorrow, the House of Representatives is poised to approve almost half a trillion dollars in additional spending—where does it end? If we are going to roll back the national debt, we have to cut spending immediately. President Obama talked the talk on fiscal responsibility tonight, but for the sake of the American people, it's time for the President and this Congress to walk that walk."

Health Care:
"As a practicing OBGYN physician for almost 30 years, I think President Obama was wise to address the need for health care reform to curb the rising costs which impact the quality of and access to care. As the President and Congress move forward on his proposal, I hope that he will reach out to patients, physicians, Republicans, and Democrats as he works to craft health care solutions that offer high quality, affordable coverage within our free market system."

"I agree with President Obama's assertion that the key to ensuring that ‘this century will be another American Century' is American energy independence. Last August, House Republicans and the American people made it clear that they are ready for energy solutions that break the chains that foreign oil holds on our nation. While gas prices have dropped below $2 a gallon in much of the country, this Congress cannot become complacent and stand in the way of American entrepreneurs. The only way to achieve American energy independence is through an "all of the above" approach that will allow Americans to develop every type of American energy—oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, and other renewable sources."
