Diaz-Balart, Wexler Introduce Congressional Contaminated Drywall Caucus

Press Release

Date: June 16, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Today Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart and Congressman Robert Wexler announced that they have introduced the Congressional Contaminated Drywall Caucus in the House of Representatives. This follows bi-partisan efforts by both Members to address serious concerns in Southern Florida and across the nation caused by Chinese drywall.

"The Caucus brings together a strong working group of Members, creates awareness of a serious issue that is putting families across America at risk, and ensures that the issue be prioritized in Congress. Contaminated Chinese drywall is silently affecting the health and well-being of not only Floridians, but also families in 13 other states and it is critical that Congress and the federal government take action now to prevent long-term devastation," said Diaz-Balart.

"It is clear Chinese drywall is a growing national problem, with Florida, Virginia, Louisiana, and thirteen additional states reporting the presence of this hazardous material in the homes of their citizens. It is only right that members of Congress take action and work in sync to resolve this devastating problem. The Congressional Contaminated Drywall Caucus will bring together Members of Congress who share my grave concern for the thousands of homeowners dealing with this silent hurricane and allow us to better coordinate a response on behalf of these victims," said Wexler.

Last month, Diaz-Balart and Wexler introduced H.R. 1977, the Drywall Safety Act, which would require the Consumer Product Safety Commission to study drywall imported from China from 2004 to 2007 and would place an interim ban on drywall exceeding 5% organic compounds.

They also passed an amendment to the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act calling for the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to conduct a study of the effects of contaminated Chinese drywall on residential mortgage loan foreclosures and the availability of property insurance for homes where affected. Most recently, they requested that $2 million in emergency funding be included in the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2009 to allow expedited research and studies of Chinese drywall.

For more information about contaminated Chinese drywall, please visit: http://mariodiazbalart.house.gov/ and http://wexler.house.gov/
