Protecting Our Communities from Wildfire

Date: May 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Environment

PROTECTING OUR COMMUNITIES FROM WILDFIRE -- (Extensions of Remarks - May 21, 2004)

THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2004

Mr. MATHESON. Mr. Speaker, given current drought forecasts and the condition of Utah's forests, this year's fire season is expected to be very difficult and expensive. Today, I am introducing legislation, along with my colleagues Congressman DICKS and Congresswoman HOOLEY, to provide $500 million in Emergency Supplemental funding for the Forest Service and the Department of Interior to maintain our nation's wildland firefighting efforts this year.

We all know how devastating it would be if the Forest Service and Department of Interior were to stop fighting fires because of a lack of funding. Without passage of this legislation, it is likely that these agencies will quickly deplete the funds that Congress designated for this fire season. When this funding runs out, the Forest Service will be forced to choose between cutting back its firefighting efforts or taking funding away from other essential forestry programs. As a result of funding concerns, the Forest Service and the Department of Interior have employed almost 3,000 fewer firefighters this season than they did at the same time last year. The legislation I am introducing today would provide the additional funding that is needed to employ more firefighters and protect our communities from the devastating effects of wildfires.

The passage of this bill is critical to protecting the health of forests and communities in my home state of Utah. We've seen too much devastation and damage in recent years due to the extreme drought conditions in the West. I am committed to the passage of this legislation as an important step toward protecting Utah's communities from the devastating effects of forest fires.

