FOX "Your World" - Transcript



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MR. CAVUTO: Well, the president really doesn't want them to run, but they could run anyway. Two Democratic members of Congress, Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania, Carolyn Maloney of New York, both could unseat fellow Democrats or try to. One of them is here, Congressman Joe Sestak.

Congressman, the president didn't want anyone within the party challenging Senator Specter who jumped fences. You are. Why?

REP. SESTAK: I very much appreciate what the Washington, D.C. establishment had to feel they made a decision for necessity of an expedient vote, having a 60th vote for insurance in the Senate. But at the end of the day, there's two principles. One, I don't believe we're a nation of king-makers, certainly not kings. And so I believe that there should be a choice for Pennsylvanians because of the second principle, and that's the principle of issues.

Look, I think Arlen is a fine man, and I respect his history. But I'll never forget my fellow veterans, hundreds of thousands of them, while he stood by in 2003 and President Bush pushed them out of the VA system at a time health care cost so much, and I don't understand why he voted two times to prevent privatization of Social Security, five times to do privatization of Social Security.

So at the end of the day, Neil, it really comes down to, what are the issues we Pennsylvanians, independent-minded, matter most in the future?

MR. CAVUTO: Well, you and Congresswoman Maloney are of the same mind-set there. You're both going to decide for yourselves and let your residents speak for themselves. But have you gotten any pushback from the administration, any comment at all from anyone?

REP. SESTAK: Yes, I've had calls from the Washington, D.C. political establishment --

MR. CAVUTO: Who, who?

REP. SESTAK: -- and those who aren't even political. Well, it was a good call. It was Senator Menendez. He was kind. There's never a direct ask to get out. But I think there's a genuine --

MR. CAVUTO: Well, what did he say? What did he say, if not to get out? What?

REP. SESTAK: Well, I think he wanted to make sure that, you know, in his mind that -- and I respect him, trust me -- but in his mind that -- and I'm putting words in his mouth because I think the exact details are his to disclose if he desired -- but I think, in his mind, that there is someone that the political establishment, the senators in his case, have endorsed. And that maybe it would be best if I were not in this race, from their perspective. And I respect that.

MR. CAVUTO: When you told them that you were going to stay, Congressman, what did he say?

REP. SESTAK: I did, yes. He said, well, okay, thank you. And we just ended the phone call very nicely. Look --

MR. CAVUTO: Anyone from the White House, Congressman?

REP. SESTAK: No, no, there hasn't been. And you know, at the end of the day, I'm running on President Obama's agenda. I was just on Fox News 45 minutes ago with a Republican, defending his speech today, of which you were just speaking. And at the end of the day --

MR. CAVUTO: You were on Fox Business, right?

REP. SESTAK: Fox Business, yes.

MR. CAVUTO: Which, if you don't get, Congressman, you really should demand. But I digress. I'm really curious about this. The administration doesn't want you to run. The powers that be in the party don't want you to run. Let's say you go ahead and run. A Republican wins, they're going to come back and blame you, Congressman, fairly or not. Are you ready for that?

REP. SESTAK: Well, remember, I'm taking on a senator who was a Republican, who's now in the Democratic primary.

You know, it's someone who the president, for example, three years ago was probably in a very similar situation. The establishment told him that it wasn't his time to run. And it's not my time, either. It is actually, Neil, Pennsylvanians' time. And we're running presently in a Democratic primary.

So at the end of the day, what I most remember, Neil, and if I could, was in the military, those 31 years. We always tell the story about George Washington's first medal was only to be given to an enlisted man because enlisted men, he wanted to show, were not going to be like the British army we were facing and couldn't rise to be an officer. The way to the top was open to everyone.

To my mind, that's the principle that was violated by the leaders of my party, that they felt there were still king-makers here in America. And there aren't. I cannot sit by and not fight on these issues, so that's why I'm doing it.

MR. CAVUTO: Got you. I don't want to commercial-interrupt us, but you've got good credentials and a formal admiral and all that. It could be an interesting fight. Congressman, thank you very, very much.

REP. SESTAK: Thank you very much.
