Capps Praises Introduction Of Breastfeeding Promotion Act


Date: June 11, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Lois Capps participated in a press conference today announcing the reintroduction of the "Breastfeeding Promotion Act." This legislation would protect the rights of breastfeeding mothers who return to the workplace after childbirth, and the health and well-being of their children. A copy of her remarks as prepared for delivery follow:

"Thank you to Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and to Senator Merkley for introducing this important legislation.

"As a public health nurse, I am always proud to cosponsor legislation that makes good public health sense. We know that breastfeeding holds tremendous nutritional value.

"For many years I directed a program in the Santa Barbara school district that provided resources to pregnant and parenting teens. One of the components of this program was lactation consulting and a place on campus for the young mothers to breastfeed their babies. Just as I was sure then that it was imperative to ensure a safe and comfortable space for those student moms to breastfeed, I know it is likewise imperative to ensure a safe and comfortable space for working moms.

"So I believe it is important to allow mothers who choose to breastfeed, the comfort of knowing that their employment won't pose any barriers to being able to breastfeed. We are lucky that here on Capitol Hill, Speaker Pelosi has ensured more dedicated spaces for women to breastfeed or express milk. But many women lack a comfortable, private space during the day if they need one. And this bill ensures that women can be afforded this important time and space as well as gives tax incentives to employers to do so!

"It's a win-win for everyone. That's why I support this bill and will be working with the sponsors to see that it is passed in Congress.

"Thank you."
