Statement on Presentation of Reagan Statue


Date: June 4, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Statement on Presentation of Reagan Statue

Congressman Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA) made the following statement in preparation for the unveiling of the Ronald Reagan statue tomorrow in the U.S. Capitol building:

"The addition of the Ronald Reagan statue is a fitting tribute to one of America's greatest and most respected leaders. As Governor of California and President of the United States, Ronald Reagan will forever be remembered for his strong leadership and faith in the American spirit.

"Over the course of his presidency, Ronald Reagan demonstrated an unwavering commitment to reducing reliance on government and harnessing the intellectual and industrial power of the American people. He also understood that the threat presented by Communist and rogue regimes demanded a robust national defense capable of responding to any security challenge. His adherence to ‘peace through strength' ultimately brought an end to the Cold War and still, to this day, reminds us that a strong national defense is the basic foundation of our security.

"Given the economic and security challenges we face today, particularly in light of ongoing government interference in the marketplace and proposed cuts to national security funding, we would be wise to follow President Reagan's example. His statue is a timely addition to the U.S. Capitol building that will provide visitors and lawmakers, particularly those from California, with inspiration and a profound sense of pride."

The National Statuary Hall Collection in the U.S. Capitol includes statues donated by individual states to honor figures relevant to their history. Each state is allowed two statues of their choice. In 2006, the California Legislature voted to replace the statue of Thomas Starr King with a statue of President Reagan.
