Clean Energy for America

Floor Speech

Date: May 13, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

CLEAN ENERGY FOR AMERICA -- (House of Representatives - May 13, 2009)

(Ms. WATSON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, America can become the world leader in the new clean energy economy. To ensure our economic recovery is sustainable for years to come, we intend to pass comprehensive clean energy legislation that will create millions of new American jobs that cannot be shipped overseas, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, increase production of cleaner, renewable energy sources, crack down on heavy pollutants who have damaged our air and water quality, and give American entrepreneurs and innovators the tools they need to stay competitive in the global economy.

There is also the Energy and Commerce bill called the American Clean Energy and Security Act. It will invest in American jobs that cannot be shipped overseas. It will reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It will be consumer focused and increase production of cleaner, renewable energy sources.

