Pitts: "The Last Thing American Families Need is a Tax Hike"

Date: May 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

Pitts: "The last thing American families need is a tax hike"

WASHINGTON - Congressman Joe Pitts (R, PA-16) last night voted in favor of the Child Credit Preservation and Expansion Act of 2004, a plan to prevent a tax hike on millions of American parents. The bill passed by a vote of 271 to 139.

"The last thing American families need is a tax hike. As we get ready for summer break, as families struggle to cover increasing gas prices, the worst thing we could do is pile it on by raising taxes," said Congressman Pitts. "

"Last night, the House passed a plan that will prevent millions of parents from having to pay more at tax time. By acting, Congress has strengthened the American family in allowing them to keep more of their own hard-earned money."
