Gregg To Cosponsor Bill Assisting Military Spouses

Press Release

Date: May 8, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) today announced that he will cosponsor S.475, the "Military Spouses Residency Relief Act" in observance of Military Spouse Appreciation Day. S. 475 would allow military spouses to maintain residency in one state when their family relocates due to military orders, which can be frequent and disruptive to family life. The bill would provide military spouses the same residency benefits afforded to members of the armed forces, removing the need to update drivers' licenses, file tax returns in multiple states, and change vehicle and voter registrations with each move.

Senator Gregg stated, "The life of a military family poses unique challenges and spouses throughout the armed forces meet those challenges with inspirational poise and strength. Today we remember the sacrifices made by the families of our brave men and women in uniform, and recognize that they deserve our sincere thanks and appreciation. I am pleased to cosponsor the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act in observance of this day, but more importantly, to ease the burden on military families who continue to inspire us with their grace and courage."

Under current law, the men and woman of the U.S. military have the ability to maintain residency regardless of where military orders may send them. However, military spouses do not enjoy the same benefit, causing additional hardship during every move and making it less likely that deeds and titles of family property would be in the spouse's name because of the implication of moving.
