Executive Session

Floor Speech

Date: April 28, 2009
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I am pleased to be here again to speak in support of the Fraud Enforcement Recovery Act. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this bill so we can pass this important legislation. I cosponsored this bill because I believe that we need to do something to show the American people that we are taking their tax dollars seriously and committed to rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse of Government programs.

The fraud enforcement tools and resources provided in this bill will help Federal agents and Federal prosecutors devote more resources to investigations into financial and mortgage frauds. The criminal fraud law updates in this bill will also help send a message to individuals in the future that fraud against homeowners and investors won't be tolerated. While it is true the criminal law provisions can't apply retroactively to conduct that led us the current financial and housing crises, they will help prosecutors in the future and will help to deter future criminal conduct.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this bill makes critical amendments to the Federal False Claims Act that will ensure those who rip off the Government can't hide behind judicial loopholes created in the law. These edits to the False Claims Act are important to ensure that the Justice Department and individual qui tam whistleblowers aren't blocked by some procedural hurdle put in place by judges. When I authored the 1986 amendments to the False Claims Act, I couldn't imagine the types of decisions we have seen from courts. These courts have read all sorts of new procedural and intent requirements into the false claims that were never imagined nor were they intended by Congress. These amendments will help restore the original intent of the False Claims Act and keep it working into the future so it can continue to add to the $22 billion already recovered under this powerful law.

I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this important legislation so we can show the taxpayers we are serious about fighting fraud against homeowners, investors, and the Federal Government.

