Fox News "Red Eye" - Transcript


Date: March 24, 2009

Fox News "Red Eye" - Transcript

Red Eye' congressional correspondent Rep. Thaddeus McCotter on AIG's name change
Interviewer: Greg Gutfield

GUTFIELD: " He's brilliant he's beautiful and he's back. He's the chairman of the Republican House policy committee and we like to call red eyes congressional correspondent. Joining us now to Michigan congressman Thaddeus -- you doin' great to have you back congressman. Why you're being so nice to me if I don't know because they're nice person maybe finish my book yet. I'm getting close I'm getting very close yeah. It's it's no better than Morales described it but I plowing through it is an act of friendship for you -- Nicely got what is that I want to start by asking you about -- Obama coming up at coming out against the 90% taxation. But the AIG bonus bonus this is a surprising to you."

MCCOTTER:" not particularly surprising but it fits a pattern as you remember he said that he had decried the -- bonuses but it also been the president to sign them in the long protected them the stimulus bill Lucas and now that the Democrats found out that this was in the bill and the many people overreacted trying to cover their political assets -- in like a backwater into. He then comes out and saw the Limbaugh -- again yeah. I get that water is a certainty a look at backwater that that's that's pretty yet. Does -- I hesitate and think what it was called over in England when you're buying them with the armistice that yeah."

GUTFIELD:" Thank you very putts and -- is changing its name -- it you what do you think this'll do it -- it like up daddy becoming. By this but first responsible when you -- billions for safe for now."

MCCOTTER: " I. -- possible feel good to the top when he had the exact have returned their bonuses is that good."

GUTFIELD: " I think it's healthy I think in many ways it's regrettable some things that they've been subjected to in terms of reprehensible threat yeah. And particularly the targeting of them but in the end these bonuses should not have gone out if they've gone into bankruptcy at the time these bonuses would not have been allowed. And certainly after some of the things that taxpayers are seeing some of their money the last thing they want us to people who broke the system to get bonuses for trying to fix it."

MCCOTTER: " No opinion of this AIG bus tour well I guess they drive people around to these. These employees houses who got the bonuses it's just like one step away from a lynch mob."

GUTFIELD: " I think that they should be doing is trying to figure out who in the administration. Pulled the -- Snowe amendment out there would have prevented this fiasco. And replaced instead with a dot amendment that is better as the president said to constructively channel one's anger and I would think that the perfect way to channel it now is to figure out who in their right mind. Put in the stimulus bill the approval of protection the -- Obama's."

MCCOTTER: " Yeah -- it isn't conservative anti dictates of the like a hundred million dollars to get their names. All -- uniforms of Manchester United which I believe that British volleyball team that we pay for that."

GUTFIELD: " I think they have to see where all the money has gone yet we have seen him millions billions go overseas to -- slash investor predators of AIG. Now I don't know how Manchester United is doing in the standings whether it's Chelsea team is beating them or not the football is more for people like you. Really in terms of soccer yes I'm very very short game. And the final analysis what you're looking at is we have to look at the bottom where all these expenditures went I think a lot of Americans and be very upset -- to find out the football is really soccer England. And also to find other tax dollars went into buying them jerseys."

MCCOTTER: " Yes yeah I debt and make complete sense there was really no need for the jab at my high it's really no need country. Are trying to debate you. -- kind of figure mr. got full capacity to take my beatings very stoically and I can understand I and had not because I enjoy it. What's cool thing about being a congressman. Talking to beautiful people like you got other."

" And -- did and hum this secret underground tunnels. In DC so like people like you can beat trafficking get home. Now because they're afraid of what the members of congress would do him and yeah. But they do have our tunnels to get you from the capitol and back through the people who were watching your voting record can't find it. You go to the gym we worked out. Well there's a health fitness center and I don't go they're very much because they they don't have ashtrays if I up up. And and be the one time I was there my first trip someone sort of was helping themselves and offered their hand and I just said they were were cooled it. That there was that by the way. I can't reveal the name of the senator I think he can take you get a vacuum congressman -- groupies and how do you deal with that being a married man. Well I told you Greg I'm flattered by the opera but just not in the back into."

GUTFIELD: " Obviously we'll be back shortly out clear stick around for the halftime report. To get a common what you're seeing an. And go to legal voicemail message I'm like direct line this fall to one to 46 you couldn't. 5050. Vote at such a bad idea thanks still to -- in the next thirty."
