Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold On the July 17th National Intelligence Estimate


Date: March 17, 2009

Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold On the July 17th National Intelligence Estimate

"The NIE confirms that Al Qaeda is the most serious threat to the United States, and that key elements of that threat have been regenerated or even enhanced. While our attention and resources have been focused on what is largely a civil war in Iraq, Al Qaeda has protected its safe haven in Pakistan and increased cooperation with regional terrorist groups. It is also troubling that, despite attacks by Al Qaeda affiliates around the world, the Administration has apparently failed to consolidate the international counterterrorism cooperation that existed after September 11.

"The Administration's policies in Iraq have also allowed the emergence of an Al Qaeda affiliate that didn't exist before the war. According to the NIE, Al Qaeda's association with this group helps it raise resources and recruit and indoctrinate operatives, including for attacks against the U.S. The sooner we redeploy from Iraq, the sooner we can develop policies that deny Al Qaeda these advantages and allow us to effectively combat this terrorist network and its affiliates worldwide."
