Rep. Price Statement on Repeal of Mexico City Policy

Press Release

Date: Jan. 23, 2009

Rep. Price Statement on Repeal of Mexico City Policy

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement regarding the President's signing of an executive order repealing the Mexico City Policy. The policy prohibits U.S tax dollars from funding abortions overseas. The policy was first implemented in 1984, and has been in place continuously since 2001.

"Not even waiting a week, the new administration has acted to funnel U.S. tax dollars to abortion providers overseas," said Rep. Price. "This is a stunning reversal of course from the President's campaign statements that he hoped to reduce the number of abortions. Just a day after thousands of Americans came to Washington to celebrate the principle of life, President Obama has made it clear that reducing abortions is not one of his priorities."
