Rep. Price Statement on March for Life

Press Release

Date: Jan. 22, 2009

Rep. Price Statement on March for Life

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) made the following statement as thousands of Americans met in Washington, D.C. for the March for Life. January 22 marks the 36-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

"On the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court's infamous Roe v. Wade decision, I welcome the thousands of American mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons who have come to Washington to renew our commitment to the principle of life," said Rep. Price. "Today marks a solemn day. We remain united and hopeful in our belief that millions of lives can be saved through an unrelenting embrace of the sanctity of life.

"March for Life gives us hope that people of goodwill are moving forward to ensure that all lives are protected equally under the law. With the support of all those who value life, we continue to speak for those yet unborn who cannot speak for themselves."
