Fort Bend Now - Congressman-Elect Issues Statement On Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

News Article

Date: Nov. 29, 2008
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Fort Bend Now - Congressman-Elect Issues Statement On Mumbai Terrorist Attacks

In the wake of the multiple terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, congressman-elect Pete Olson issued a statement condemning the violence.

He said the coordinated attacks by terrorists, who reportedly were targeting Americans and other westerners, show why the nation should continue to work with allies worldwide to neutralize terrorist strongholds.

"While we celebrated Thanksgiving here in our country, our friend and ally, the nation of India, continued to deal with a terrorist attack in Mumbai which has killed or wounded hundreds of civilians. According to CNN, terrorists even attacked a hospital for women and infants," Olson said in the statement. "We need no further reminder of the horror terrorists seek to inflict on free nations, free people, and why America must continue to stand with our allies against terrorist operations around the world.

He added the attacks should also serve as a reminder for Americans to remain on guard against similar terrorists in this country.

"We must stay on offense against these criminals; we must hunt them down and put them in prison or a grave. It is the only way to end their attacks and atrocities," Olson added.

Olson also asked that Americans remember the victims and those that may still be hostages in their prayers.
