Democrats Cave to GOP Push for Off-Shore Drilling

Press Release

Date: Sept. 24, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Democrats Cave to GOP Push for Off-Shore Drilling

Spending Bill does not include Democrat-backed drilling moratorium

Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) issued the following statement as House Democrats are set to allow the American offshore energy exploration ban to expire next week amid immense pressure from Republicans:

"The fact that Democrats are allowing the prohibition of offshore drilling to expire on October 1st is a real victory for the American people, who have been paying soaring gas prices at the pump. For years, Republicans have been working on ways to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil, and this would bring us one step closer to achieving our comprehensive energy strategy to expand energy conservation, promote renewable and alternative energy, and increase the supply of domestic fuel and oil. Californians are currently paying nearly $4 a gallon, with no other relief in sight, so the news that Democrats have caved on their effort to extend the ban is a huge win for my constituents."

NOTE: Earlier today, the House passed a spending bill that carries through March 6, 2009, which does not include the annual off-shore and oil shale drilling moratorium.
