Introduction of H. Con. Res. 423

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 24, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Aid

INTRODUCTION OF H. CON. RES. 423 -- (Extensions of Remarks - September 24, 2008)


* Mr. KIRK. Madam Speaker, I am proud to introduce this important resolution calling for a comprehensive strategy to address the crisis in Darfur, Sudan, and condemning the ongoing assaults and obstruction by the Khartoum regime. I am joined in this effort by my distinguished colleagues Mr. Jackson of Illinois and Mr. Wolf of Virginia.

* The tragedy of Darfur seems to know no end. After years of violence and death, the genocide in Darfur continues this month with renewed fighting between the Khartoum regime and rebel forces. Once again, entire villages have been decimated, civilians have been slaughtered and thousands have been left homeless.

* We cannot turn away from the violence before us. We must continue to raise the issues of Darfur that confront our Nation and the international community. While the violence is perpetrated by those who carry the guns and drop the bombs, we have a responsibility as well.

* I am proud of the young people in my own district who have worked to raise awareness of the crisis in Darfur. Zack Harris, now a sophomore at New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois, learned about the conflict in Darfur 2 years ago and became determined to help. As the eighth grade student president at Central School in Glencoe, he organized ``Dance for Darfur,'' a fundraiser for the Luol Deng Foundation. Named after the Chicago Bulls player from Sudan, the foundation works with the World Food Program in Darfur to assist with food distribution. The ``Dance for Darfur'' was the first charity dance ever held at the school, and helped raise awareness at the school and in the community. In total, Zack raised more than $5,000.

* In March of this year, I organized a Model Congress with high school students from all across the 10th District. They held hearings and markups on the Darfur Peace and Security Act to bring an end to the genocide. Together, they amended and passed this comprehensive bill to provide humanitarian aid and adopt strict sanctions, along with other measures, to stop the violence in the region.

* Other organizations such as the Chicago Coalition to Save Darfur, the Illinois Holocaust Museum, Congregation Beth Or in Deerfield, IL, and Chicago Tikkun are all working to bring awareness to the crisis.

* Like these students and activists, Congress and the administration must remain committed to ending the tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes. We must build upon the basic achievements that we have won to ensure the full deployment of the UNAMID mission, full access to humanitarian aid, full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and full accountability of the Khartoum government for all its actions.

* The U.S. must collaborate with the international community condemn the actions of the Khartoum regime, which have demonstrated the worst that humanity has to offer, and implement a comprehensive strategy to address the crisis in Darfur.

* I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this resolution to bring attention to the plight of the Darfurians and work to find a lasting comprehensive strategy to address this crisis.
