King Earns "True Blue" Award

Press Release

Date: Oct. 20, 2008
Location: Sencer, IA

Congressman Steve King has been recognized as a "True Blue" Member of Congress by FRC Action and Focus on the Family Action for his commitment to the family.

According to FRC Action, the award honors Members of Congress who have exhibited extraordinary leadership and commitment to the defense of family, faith, and freedom. The FRC Action scorecard covers votes in the 110th Congress. Recipients of the award voted consistently for pro-life and pro-family issues.

These votes included:

ü Defending Restrictions on Funding International Abortion Groups
ü Human Cloning Prohibition
ü Embryonic Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act
ü Thought Crimes Act
ü Protect Abstinence Program for HIV/AIDs Prevention
ü Funding D.C. Needle Exchange Program
ü Funding D.C. Gay Marriage Amendment
ü Restrict Funding Planned Parenthood Amendment
ü Prohibit Implementing the "Fairness Doctrine"
ü Exploit Indian Gaming Regulatory Act

"The Members of the 110th Congress who received this award have been consistent, stalwart allies of American families," said FRC Action President Tony Perkins. "These Members are to be commended for supporting public policy that values human life, protects our religious liberties, and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family."

"I appreciate this award. I believe we must uphold the family because families instill values in our children. Our children and families are the basis for the future of our society," said King.
