Cynthia McKinney Press Conference July 18th, 2008


Cynthia McKinney Press Conference July 18th, 2008

Cynthia McKinney Press Conference on why she's running as Green for President in New York July 18, 2008. Excellent overview of her motivation to run as Green for President.

"As I see the dissolution of the character and soul of our country, it is clear we the people have the power to take our country back."

"In 2006 people voted for peace and got war . . . the voters were betrayed."

"The majority of values expressed by people in this country are Green values."

The solutions that make the most sense are the most difficult (to implement):
-Medicare for All
-Accountability through impeachment
-Kartina/Rita survivor right to return

"I declared my independence from the national leadership that made my country complicit in the crimes of the Bush administration."

"As my running mate, Rosa Clemente says: The Green Party is not just an alternative it's an imperative."

"The values of people in this country should be reflected in our public policy . But it clear that emanating from Washington DC are something alien to the values of the U.S. people."
