Issue Position: The Economy

Issue Position

America faces serious economic challenges. As we work to restore opportunity in challenging times, we must embrace sound economic policy that consists of targeted tax relief, fiscal discipline, and the removal of obstacles to entrepreneurship.

Recently, Congress was faced with a decision to adopt a $700 billion plan to nationalize bad corporate debt. I voted against the bailout measure twice. Many Nebraskans had serious reservations as well. While financial instability continues to be a serious concern, the choice was not between action and inaction. Rather, it was a choice to consider alternatives that may be less costly, easier to implement, and fairer to most Americans who have no blame for our financial market difficulties. I called for options that would restore asset values and liquidity by providing loans or guarantees, rather than purchasing troubled assets. I also helped introduce an initiative to use net worth certificates to meet capital requirements, a tool the government has previously used to mitigate financial difficulities. Such options did not receive full consideration. While I did not agree with the final bailout approach, hopefully the plan now in place will be successful.

In Nebraska, our economic strength largely depends on the strength of small businesses and family farms. My service on the House Agriculture and Small Business Committees is focused on public policies that help create economic opportunities for farmers, ranchers, and entrepreneurs. I have supported tax relief for small businesses increasing access to capital, and better healthcare options for the self-employed and uninsured.. I have also helped change farm policy to target grant assistance to small family farmers who are creatively marketing their products, and make it easier for schools to buy local foods from local farms.

Nebraska is a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family. It is important that we prioritize to promote opportunity and entrepreneurship throughout our state.
