Steck Supports Middle Class Tax Cut Plan

Press Release

Date: Sept. 2, 2008
Issues: Taxes

Steck Supports Middle Class Tax Cut Plan

"With the cost of fuel, food and health care rising, working families need relief."

Phil Steck, Democratic candidate for Congress, has announced his support today for the middle class tax cut plan that is supported by Presidential candidate Barack Obama. Steck said that he believes that middle class tax cuts need to be a priority for the next Congress.

"I have spoken to thousands of voters throughout New York's 21st Congressional District, and it is clear to me that working families are hurting. Families are squeezed because wages are stagnant, while the cost of necessities like food, gas and health care are rising. We need broad-based tax relief aimed at middle class families, to put more money in our pockets, as well as tax cuts for small businesses that will create good jobs here in upstate New York. This plan would do just that."

Highlights of the plan include:

• Cuts taxes for 95% of workers and their families with a tax cut of $500 for workers or $1,000 for working couples.
• A variety of targeted generous tax cuts -- for low- and middle-income seniors, homeowners, the uninsured, and families sending a child to college or looking to save for retirement.
• Dramatically simplifies taxes by consolidating existing tax credits, eliminating the need for millions of senior citizens to file tax forms, and enabling as many as 40 million middle-class Americans to do their own taxes in less than five minutes without an accountant.
• Cut corporate taxes for firms that invest and create jobs in the United States, because the current tax code actually provides reimbursement for the expense of moving jobs oversees.

Steck adds, "The anxiety felt by many working families is real. We have just come off the first economic recovery on record where ordinary Americans saw their incomes decline by nearly $1,000, after inflation. We need to focus tax relief on the middle class."

Steck continues, "I am further encouraged by the fact that Obama's plan is fiscally responsible - his tax cuts are paid for by rolling back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy enacted in 2001. I think it only fair that we reallocate the tax burden in America by asking the rich to pay more of their share."
