Issue Position: Building a 21st Century Health Care System

Issue Position

South Carolinians are well aware that our health care system is costly and difficult to navigate. I believe we can help Americans afford health care without handing over health care decisions to Washington bureaucrats. I remain committed to supporting health savings accounts and association health plans that will help individuals save and plan for their health care needs as well as allow small businesses to compete for the same quality and affordability that large corporations currently enjoy. I believe in opening up the health insurance market to greater competition by allowing individuals to shop for health insurance across state lines. Additionally, we need tax credits for families and individuals so they can own their own health insurance plan and keep that plan even if they change jobs.

The American health care system is the envy of the world because we have remained committed to creating the finest quality of care and greater access to new technology and medications. We need to help every American have access to this level of quality at an affordable price and without bureaucratic red tap. We should ensure that we do not undermine the relationship between you and your doctor. A government run system would only limit choice and therefore quality.
