Issue Position: Jobs and Economy

Issue Position

Issue Position: Jobs and Economy

During the past eight years we have witnessed a terribly mismanaged government that lacked accountability, which resulted in an unstable economy. Washington has given us tax cuts for the rich, huge deficits, and broken government while making it more difficult for middle class working families. The average household salary for a family of four declined over the last 7 years, health care costs have sharply increased, college tuition costs are rising, and Washington still has no plan for the future.

In order to get America back on track we need a leader to set an example for Congress to follow and change the way we govern. Congress cannot continue with the failed ideas of the past. We must invest in education and technology needed for an innovation economy. It is time that we lay a foundation for small business to grow in Western New York. Congress must restore fiscal discipline and balance their books just as Western New York families have to balance ours.

Washington has not adjusted to the new economy. Jon Powers believes America must lead by example and will work in Congress to invest in an innovation economy.
