The Bailout Legislation

Date: Sept. 23, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

THE BAILOUT LEGISLATION -- (House of Representatives - September 23, 2008)

Mr. WELCH of Vermont. Mr. Speaker, I want to read a letter from a Vermonter about this bailout. It's from a banker.

``I am a community banker who is irate about the recent developments on Wall Street and recent bailouts that our government has undertaken. The great, great majority of banks in this country never made one subprime loan, and 98 percent are well capitalized. We are working every day to serve our communities and provide loans to consumers and small businesses. Banks have paid tens of billions of premiums to fund the FDIC insurance fund, and we know we are going to have significantly increased premiums for years to come. We accept that and we don't ask for or need a bailout.

``Bear Sterns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and AIG are not banks. Yet we hear constant talk about `bank problems' and `bank bailouts.' Now Congress is going to vote on legislation to consider a fund with billions of dollars in it to buy distressed assets and some want to add amendments that will hurt my bank, the local community bank, such as changes in the bankruptcy laws.

``My bank is trying to serve its community and make loans, but it cannot do that when policymakers are adopting policies that may make it hard to lend and increase regulatory costs. While a stable financial system is essential, these measures cannot be done at the expense of community banks like mine. I implore you to please consider the impact of these proposals and oppose any effort to include provisions that would hurt our community banks.''
