Langevin Supports Moving Away from Foreign Oil

Press Release

Date: Sept. 16, 2008
Location: Warwick, RI

Congressman Jim Langevin today is expected to support the most wide-ranging energy legislation in the last two decades. The Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act is a compromise that combines expanded, responsible drilling off our coasts with a strong commitment to develop clean and renewable energy in order to achieve both short and long-term solutions to our nation's energy crisis.

"Time and time again I have said we cannot dig or drill our way out of this energy crisis," said Langevin. "Unlike my Republican colleagues, I am ready to move our nation in a new direction that puts families and our national security ahead of big oil."

The Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act will:
• Allow state approved offshore drilling and promote the development of other domestic energy resources
• Require electric power companies to produce at least 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2020
• Invest in public transportation
• Invest in development of renewable energy
• Invest in homeowner energy efficiency and conservation programs

"This common sense legislation will lower energy prices for consumers, while freeing us from the grip of foreign oil," continued Langevin. "It will also end unnecessary subsidies to the big oil companies who continually earn record profits. As we invest in renewable energy, new and expanded tax credits included in this bill will also help to increase demand for green technology and create new job opportunities in our communities."
