Issue Position: Anti-Terrorism Caucus

Issue Position

"Terrorists don't target Democrats or Republicans. They target Americans, and this is why we must face this issue as Americans. Members of Congress and the American public must know the threats we face from radical jihadist terrorists. The Anti-Terrorism Caucus will give Congress the tools and resources it needs to communicate those threats to the public, as well as help them make more informed decisions when it comes to terrorist issues."

- Rep. Myrick's statement when announcing the new bipartisan Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus in January 2007

In January 2007, Rep. Myrick founded the bipartisan Anti-Terrorism Caucus. She along with Representatives Bud Cramer (D-AL), Kay Granger (R-TX), and Jane Harman (D-CA) are the 4 Caucus co-chairs. Members of this Caucus attend meetings where experts give presentations regarding terrorism and jihadist ideology.

Rep. Myrick hopes that the American public will see that Iraq is just one part of the greater war against radical Islamic Jihadists. She hopes that by forming this new caucus, Members can educate themselves on the threats we face so that they can take that knowledge back home and help educate their constituents.

This caucus now has over 120 members and is getting valuable information on things such as terrorist use of the internet, terrorist financing, and jihadist history and ideology.
