Issue Position: Los Alamos National Laboratory

Issue Position

Issues: Labor Unions

Issue Position: Los Alamos National Laboratory

"Since World War II, Los Alamos National Laboratories has served this country in times of need. As America faces new challenges, LANL must again play a key role in finding new solutions." -Congressman Tom Udall

LANL Funding

Los Alamos National Laboratory and its supporters must face the reality that America's nuclear footprint is shrinking and that in the coming years our national priorities will shift to address the looming energy crisis. With that in mind, it is abundantly clear that the mission and purpose of LANL must be diversified to ensure its permanence and to utilize its full potential for scientific research. I stand resolutely behind LANL, and I will continue to fully support the men and women who work there, but they must recognize that LANL's mission must shift. Only in recognizing, accepting, and ultimately embracing this shift, will the lab ensure that it continues to serve in its leading role in combating existing and emerging national security threats.

I have received assurances from the National Nuclear Security Administration that diversifying the mission of the lab is possible, but the leadership of the lab must take the initiative to start the process. In fact, there are ongoing discussions at this time about a possible diversified mission for LANL. As we continue the funding process, it is now up to LANL to decide whether it wants to diversify and thrive or remain focused only on its current mission, which, as we have seen this year, means an uphill battle. I have strongly advised and urged the leadership at the lab to see that diversification is the only way to ensure the lab's future. I hope that those at the lab believe the same and that in the very near future we will begin to see a true, substantive move toward this important goal.

The Energy Employee Occupation Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA)

Former DOE employees have to work too hard to get the compensation they deserve under EEOICPA. I have worked for years to improve the program, and we have had considerable success. Last year, I ensured that employees will continue to have an ombudsman to represent their interest. In 2005 and 2006, I helped to make more LANL workers eligible for assistance by creating a Special Exposure Cohort (SEC). These workers could be assumed to have been made sick by their energy work, and the legislation I supported made them presumptively eligible for compensation or health benefits. My office is regularly in touch with EEOICP administrators to ensure that employees receive fair compensation. If you need help with an application for compensation under EEOICPA please fell free to contact my office for assistance.
