Himes Looks Forward to Match Up With Shays


Date: Aug. 12, 2008
Location: Bridgeport, CT

Himes Looks Forward to Match Up With Shays

Democratic candidate says Washington not working for middle class

Jim Himes won the Democratic primary tonight, setting up a face off with 21-year incumbent Chris Shays in the fall. Himes issued the following statement in response to the news of his win:

"This campaign is about changing Washington," said Himes. "For too long, Washington has listened to big oil and big pharma while ignoring the needs of our families. While Washington has been running up deficits and fighting wars we didn't need while, the American dream was been slipping out of reach. In Congress, I will bring new energy for the American dream. This fall, voters will have a choice between the failed policies of the past, and opportunity for the middle class."
