Darcy Burner Takes Knee-Jerk, Reactionary Approach to Financial Crisis, Markets

Press Release

Date: Oct. 8, 2008
Location: Bellevue, WA

In a discussion Monday at the Seattle PI, perpetual congressional candidate Darcy Burner reacted to the financial crisis by repudiating the free-market system altogether, condemning an op-ed by Congressman Dave Reichert written in response to an anti-free market editorial in the Puget Sound Business Journal in August. She stated that she firmly disagreed with Reichert's free-market principles, charging that more big government regulation is the answer to the nation's economic uncertainty.

"Burner's accusation shows the knee-jerk, reactionary approach she would take to the financial crisis and other issues," said Amanda Halligan, spokeswoman for the Reichert campaign. "While Reichert promotes thoughtful consideration of the nation's economic policies, including reforming our regulations, increasing transparency and holding people accountable, Burner is apparently repudiating the free-market altogether. Added to her Economic Plan which calls for higher taxes on both middle class families and the very investors we need to stay involved in the economy, Burner's approach would be disastrous. This is a time for careful analysis not jumping to conclusions and creating more bureaucratic burdensome problems that could make things worse. Reichert believes that we cannot allow the current financial crisis to scare our leaders into creating a prescription that is worse than the illness. Instead, we must carefully analyze rules and regulations to bring our laws into the 21st century."

Reichert recently wrote a piece in the Puget Sound Business Journal that was a response to a previous piece suggesting that the free-market had failed and we must create a massive set of new regulations.
