Reps. Bishop and Rangel Giving Eskenazi a Museum

Press Release

Date: Sept. 15, 2008
Location: Patchogue, NY
Issues: Oil and Gas

Reps. Bishop and Rangel Giving Eskenazi a Museum

Another Payout Reeking of Quid Pro Quo

The Republican and Conservative Party candidate for New York's First Congressional District, today continued his crusade against earmarks and political cronyism, calling out his opponent for what appears to be another example of favoritism to donors.

"Mr. Bishop, principles should not be bought and sold," said Zeldin.

"My opponent took thousands of dollars from a donor and then introduced, last Thursday, a bill, cosponsored by the apparent tax evading creator of tax policy Rep. Charlie Rangel, to create a paid commission to establish The National Museum of the American People," said Shirley resident Lee Zeldin, running for the Eastern Long Island District.

"Congressman Tim Bishop already has the Director of the museum designated. His name is Sam Eskenazi, and he has donated over $40,000 to Bishop and his Democratic colleagues," said Zeldin, referring to a Citizens Against Government Waste critique of the proposal. "My opponent is getting carried away by his ongoing perception creation of quid pro quo."

In the past, Bishop has bragged about earmarks to STIDD Systems and the Curtiss Wright Corporation, two companies that have donated loyally to Bishop's reelection warchest.

Bishop has defended the donation to STIDD Systems as important for Navy Seals even though the Department of the Navy never recognized that it was important.

Zeldin said, "When the Department of the Navy wants a new product they can put out bids and get the best product at the best price. Bishop handpicked his friend and loyal campaign contributor, Walter Gezari, as the recipient and this should be illegal."

"Bishop has never served and he is telling the Navy what they need and which of his donors are going to provide it," said Zeldin. "This reeks of quid pro quo.

Mind you, my opponent is the same man who was the deciding vote that granted Congress a five week vacation last month, and he's also the same man who failed to get us a vote on the American Energy Act as gas prices continue to skyrocket."

Zeldin also pointed out that neither the museum, nor the jobs that would support it will end up in our district, or New York for that matter.

To rectify the situation, Zeldin called upon his opponent to do the following:

* Halt the legislation driving the National Museum of the American People immediately;

* Return Walter Gezari's contributions, Curtiss Wright Corporation PAC's contributions, and Sam Eskenazi's contributions;

* Stop creating a perception of quid pro quo with your decisionmaking
