Issue Position: Lowering Our Gas Prices

Issue Position

Issue Position: Lowering our Gas Prices

Gas Prices continue to skyrocket, rising more than 75 percent since January 2007, when the current session of Congress began.
Veterans Get Involved

While his opponent advocates a powerless energy policy, Lee Zeldin thinks enough is enough. Here are Lee's initial steps in his plan to attack rising fuel costs, alleviate dependency on foreign oil and modernize our energy resources:

* Enable environmentally friendly oil exploration on Alaska's North Slope, off shore and elsewhere domestically;

* Reduce red tape to boost the creating of more refineries;

* Implement a comprehensive federal, state and county moratorium on gasoline tax, which would result in savings of over $.60/gallon;

* Immediately investigate and legislate to prevent any further market manipulation;

* The Iraqi government should commit their $80 billion dollar oil surplus to Iraqi infrastructure improvements that we are currently paying for; and

* Continue American investment in developing alternative energy sources like wind, solar, hydroelectric and more.
