Shulman to Garrett: Take Responsibility for the Mess Your Friends Created

Press Release

Date: Sept. 15, 2008
Location: Haworth, NJ

Shulman to Garrett: Take Responsibility for the Mess Your Friends Created

Financial crisis is the direct result of irresponsible subprime lending practices developed by Countrywide Financial, the company that literally controls Garrett's office and held his mortgage.

The Shulman for Congress campaign today called on Scott Garrett to give an accounting of his record on the House Financial Services Committee and to answer questions about his personal finances.

"Investment banks are failing as a direct result of the subprime mortgage debacle that Scott Garrett helped bring about," said Jeff Hauser, the campaign manager of Shulman for Congress.

"Countrywide Financial is widely recognized as having been the company at the forefront of these shady practices, practices that are bringing down generations-old investment banks and threatening to further derail the economy. Why did Scott Garrett vote consistently in favor of Countrywide Financial's desired positions, why did he put their former lobbyist on the taxpayers' payroll as his chief of staff, and will Garrett take responsibility for the disaster that occurred under his watch?"

Shulman for Congress calls upon Scott Garrett to answer three questions:

* What were the terms of the mortgage you refinanced with Countrywide Financial in May 2003, during the time in which your current Chief of Staff lobbied for Countrywide and when Countrywide was giving congressmen with oversight responsibilities sweetheart deals?

* Why did you vote against anti-predatory lending bills and defend those pro-Countrywide Financial votes this spring by observing, "Just a year ago we were talking about how great it was (that) the highest percentage of Americans ever were in their homes."?

* Will you acknowledge that Dennis Shulman is right to vow to not take any money from industries his committees regulate, given how your votes in favor of Countrywide Financial have led to a national disaster?
