Accomplishments: Making Your Taxes Lower


Accomplishments: Making Your Taxes Lower

In addition to supporting a simpler tax code, Mario Diaz-Balart has a strong record of supporting cutting taxes on hard-working Floridians so they can keep more of their own money. The 2001 and 2003 tax cuts need to be made permanent because allowing them to expire would be a massive tax increase on all American families, including an average of $3,040 per Florida family. With families already suffering from high gas prices, we can't afford it. Less talk, more action.

• Introduced the Tax Relief for Families Act to make common-sense, pro-family tax cuts permanent:
◊ Increased Child Tax Credit
◊ Elimination of the Marriage Tax Penalty
◊ Deduction for College Tuition
◊ Deduction of State and Local Sales Tax
◊ Deduction of School Teacher Expenses
◊ Elimination of the Death Tax
• Co-sponsored the Married Student Debt Relief Act to allow a husband and wife to each claim the maximum tax deduction of $2,500 for interest on education loans when filing a joint tax return.
• Co-sponsored legislation to make permanent the tax deduction for state and local sales taxes.
• Co-sponsored the Family Budget Protection Act to hold the federal government accountable for its budget just like the American family.
• Co-sponsored the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act that permanently bans state taxation of Internet access and e-commerce.
